Saturday, September 8, 2012

Heather...did you die?

Rest assured dear friends, although I have been absent for a couple of months, I am alive and well!  Life has just happened and I've been crazy busy.

What's coming up?

I am currently working on some crochet patterns that I'm pretty excited about.  It's for an item that I have yet to even see a crochet pattern for.  I did find a finished crocheted version of this upcoming item, but I have not been able to find a pattern.  This is what I was hoping for.  It was one of those lightbulb turning on type moments.

I have kept this project top-secret for the time being because I am THAT excited about it.  Stick around to find out what it is!  I am going to write patterns for several different designs before I release them, again because I have yet to see a pattern for one.

See you soon....

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